
Every thing that is created started with the tiniest spark of inspiration, and this blog is no exception. Almost everything you look at, every piece of music you hear, every item of clothing you wear and every utensil you use was born from a flash of brilliance. The capacity of human beings to create beautiful and functional things is never more evident than when you log into Second Life; that wonderful and diverse virtual world, where two of the most complementary ingredients were put together and left to grow. The ingredients? A blank canvas - and people. People like you.

This is a place for you, the Second Life designer, creator or producer, to put out your feelers to the creative community. In this blog you will find anything and everything – from resources to reports – about creation in the Second Life community. This blog serves as your creative playground, and includes articles relating to graphic design, general design, photography and e-commerce - all within the virtual world of Second Life.

In the regular updates to Creative Circle, you will find a collection of tutorials, inspirational posts and interviews. As if that wasn’t enough, we will provide you with exclusive freebies, helpful article links, and much more to support your creative endeavours! 

"Our goal is simple: We will fuel your creativity."

“The world is but a canvas to the imagination.”
Henry David Thoreau